

Active substance (International non-licensed name):


АТХ code:  С01ЕВ

Pharmacotherapeutical group:

drugs for correction of metabolic processes.



Pharmacological properties

Riboxin is included to the group of anabolic medicines, stimulating metabolic processes. It is derivative (nucleoside) of purine, precursor of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It renders positive influence on metabolic processes in myocardium – increases activity of some ferments of Krebs cycle and improves energetic balance, increases force of heartbeats and assists more complete relaxation of myocardium in diastole(binds calcium ions, found to cytoplasm during excitation), improves blood supply, including coronary blood supply, reduces aggregation of thrombocytes, activates tissue regeneration (especially myocardium and mucous cover of gastrointestinal duct). It increases pharmacological protection of kidneys, subjected toischemia during operation. Substrately, it stimulates synthesis of adenylic nucleotides.


After intravenous introduction it is distributed in tissues of organism. It is metabolized in the liver with the formation of glucoronic acid and its further oxidation. It is removed with urine in small quantity.

Instructions for use

Complex treatment of adoptive myocardium infraction,  ischemic heart disease, heart rate failure, caused by use of heart glycosides, myocardiodystrophy after adoptive infectious diseases. It is also recommended at liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, fat hepatic dystrophy), treatment of urocoproporphyria. Besides, riboxin is used at operations on isolated kidney as pharmacological protection drug, when, at the same time, blood supply of operated organ stops.

Method of application and dosage

Preparation is used intravenously, slowly streamly or drop-by-drop (40-60 drops per minute). Treatment is begun from introduction of 200 mg (10 ml of 2% solution) 1 time per day, then, if the tolerance is good, the dose is to be increased to 400 mg (20 ml 2% of solution) 1-2 times per day. Duration of treatment is 10 - 15 days. Stream introduction of preparation is available at acute failure of heart rhythm with single dose 200-400 mg (10-20 ml of 2% solution). For pharmacological protection of kidneys, subjected to ischemia, riboxin is introduced intravenously streamly in single dose 1,2 g (60 ml of 2% solution) 5-15 minutes prior to cross-clamping of renal artery, then 0,8g more (40 ml of 2% solution) immediately after restoration of blood supply. At drop-by-drop introduction to vein 2% solution of preparation is diluted in 5% glucose solution of sodium chloride (to 250 ml).

Adverse effects

Itching, skin hyperaemia are possible. In this case preparation is needed to be cancelled. Seldom, during treatment with riboxin, concentration of uric acid in the blood increases. At long-term application, exacerbation of podagra is possible.


Increased sensitivity to preparation, podagra.

Drug interaction

At application as a part of complex therapy Riboxin assists increasing of effectiveness of antiarrhythmic, antianginal and inotropic drugs. Clinical significant interaction of Riboxin with medicines of other groups has not been described.

Special instructions

At occurrence of itching, skin redness, preparation should be cancelled. With care it should be administrated to patients with renal failure. At pregnancy and breast feeding preparation is also administrated with care (receiving of high doses id contraindicated).

Form of issue

Solution for injections 2% in ampoules. 10 ampoules by 5 and 10 ml in the package.

Terms of storage

In dry place protected from light, at temperature 25º.

Shelf life

3 years.

Prescription preparation

Do not use after expiration of shelf life indicated on the package. Store in the place unavailable for children.